About Olives :

Green valley olives symbolize our long-term commitment to protecting the land and at the same time satisfying our customers' need for healthy and delicious food products. Growing in Egypt's sun-kissed desert far from any source of pollution and watered by pure aquifers deep below the ground, their natural goodness is at the heart of Green valley products' reputation for purity and value. At harvest time, the olives are carefully harvested by hand to prevent bruising and processed according to the highest standards of hygiene to ensure a superior, tasty product.

We produce green Picholine, Egezy and Manzanillo olives and black kalamata, Picual and Lucques olives, available as fresh produce or pickled in brine or oil and packed in a wide variety of containers for retail or bulk sale.


About Mixed Pickles :

We produce selection of organic pickled vegetables that includes cucumbers, onions, carrots, lemons and grape leaves. All are handpicked, preserved without delay in bring to ensure maximum freshness and then allowed to cure slowly without chemical additives or preservatives.


Fresh Vegetables

Green vallie is committed to providing a large variety of wholesome, delicious food products. We produce a wide variety of fresh produce, including green beans, artichokes, sweet pepper, tomatoes, ice berg lettuce, grapes, strawberries, pomegranates and more. We can also grow additional fruits and vegetables as per the client's request.

As with all green valley products, our fruits and vegetables are certified by GLOBAL.A.P. (Good Agriculture Practice), guaranteeing produce that is free of any pesticides or chemical fertilizers, genetically-modified organisms or other contaminants.

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